Human Machine Interaction through Laser Gesture Recognition

It is the Open Computer Vision (OpenCV) library. It fascinated me to enter into the world of HCI (Human Computer Interface). There is no limit to what can be implemented under this genre using the library. I started with capturing an image from webcam with a keyboard keypress. Added a few processing options, library has built-in APIs for possible Image Processing techniques. Then turned to processing live stream. Under which Motion Detection, detecting colours, face recognition I could implement. As I could locate brightest pixel in the stream, I could detect a laser pointer's location which made me come up with small miscellaneous experiment of controlling Windows media player from a laser pointer. The video shows the same.

The next step is to recognize gestures to trigger applications.

LED 7-Segment Display Interfacing with AT89C51

The microcontroller is most flexible electronic device more likely a processor which can be programmed and setup compactly to control any kind of system.System can be a physical area with wide number of devices installed to a small electronic system having a small display,keypad.
7segment display consists of 8 LEDs embedded into a cuboid.These LEDs are either common anode or common cathode in nature.In common cathode,the respective pin needs high on it to turn it ON.Whereas in common anode the low on the pin turns the respective LED segment ON.

Now the interface of a 7segment LED display to a microcontroller is as shown in figure 2.

/Content will be updated soon/

Here is the video showing the working of microcontroller displaying 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,S,h,r,e,e,S,h continuously..